Sunday 3 June 2012

IIM Bangalore interview experience

Since I presume that most of you have already read my PI experience of IIM Lucknow,I will not mention my profile in detail.

IIM B is considered as one of the best institutes in Asia-Pacific & is well known for its faculty base & highly intelligent students.Their selection criteria gives more weightage to academics & hence even few 100 percentilers were not called for the interview.

This is my dream institute.Though I couldn't convert my final call,it will always remain close to my heart.I attended around 10-12 interviews this year.But IIM B's interview was really challenging.The profs were/are super excellent in their area of interest & yes,they really mean business when they took interview.This interview was like an extempore for me as the profs changed the direction of the interview right in the begining.Their questions actually made me think from the business perspective & I was surprised at my ability.(Really!)

(This logo has been intentionally uploaded as I still admire it when I come across it.)

Day – 20th February, 2012
Location – Hotel Sea Princess, Juhu Tara Road
Time- 2pm

Essay topic – The educational gap between the elite institutes & the others is inevitable & hence acceptable. (10 min to write down points + 20 for writing an essay)-Decent performance
Left professor – R Srinivasan (Chairperson of admissions) (The guy who asked me most of the questions)-This fellow was real stud & his few questions made me really speechless._/\_

Middle professor - Suresh Bhagavatula (NSRCEL) (The silent guy, he was just observing me)

Right professor – Alumnus


L – Tell me what you did in your company?
Me- Full story for 2.5 min. Till that time, no one even looked at me. Fully neglected. An alumnus was doing something on Laptop. Middle one was watching something on Ipad & left one was going through my certificates. They were just nodding their necks.(I think this is a perfect way of irritating someone...)

L-Why did you leave job?
Me- Honest reason… (Mostly accepted by them…I hope so)

L- You left job in the month of July. So did you have enough money to fund your expenses?
Me- Told…I don’t think that this question was part of my interview.

L-Forget about your scores, what will you do if you are not selected at all by any college in India?Let us say,I will call the admissions head of all these institutes & tell them to reject you.And yes,we all know each other.(Evil smile followed).What is your defense? All heads turned towards me.(Man this was the 4th question & he already started torturing me)
Me-Told that I would be a bit disappointed. But I won’t stop. I Will write CAT again. Also, I will write CFA. In addition to that,I mentioned that my aim was to convert all these calls & with firm voice said, "I have prepared well to convert the calls & hence I am sure that I will not perform that bad to get reject from all of these institutes".

L-So you are ready to spend one more year?(This man was really interested to make me spend one more year.I muttered to myself "Would you finance my spendings for a whole year?")
Me-Not a problem. But still, I will try my best to convert the calls.

L- Why MBA?
Me- Full story…1.5 minutes. May be he liked it.

L- How did you prepare for an interview & should we start with academics or work ex?
Me- Told about current affairs, academics, Engineering Mathematics as I taught it as a professor.(By that time, I understood that, he won’t ask me anything out of it.)I will be happy if you ask me anything related to academics. let us start with your work ex :p:p.....I see that you have a certificate in Modular Architecture. Does it have any relation with Modular Kitchen? Is it possible to have a modular automobile?
Me- Told about modularity as an approach. Explained it. Explained its uses. Gave example from my job. How we reduced part count & increased savings & variety for marketing. Also explained how modularity is possible by giving example of door handle. Screws distance is maintained same for all handles. Only material, colour, shape changed to give different perception to customer. Told how Maruti is doing it with changed outer body & same engine. All were impressed.

L- Can laptop be modular?
Me- Yes, gave Dell’s example. Changing colour panels.We can have different SKUs with i3,i5,i7 microprocessors,different HDD versions etc etc...& releasing these models after every 6 months to keep market demand changing.(I never really thought about these things during my job,but somehow these things came out of my mouth)

L- So is Modularity related to marketing only?
Me- No Sir, we can change internal components also to change the performance. But if you want to impress the customer, external appearance makes it easier.

L- How it is done?
Me- Told about taking customer’s voice. Told how customer voice is converted into Quality Function Deployment Matrix (QFD). The same voice used to be converted into engineering properties by using Design Property Matrix (DPM). The same DPM was converted into business voice by Module Integration Matrix (MIM) & then release of final product. They liked the answer probably. & then they started with application part.
(Level of difficulty was slowly rising & I was already sweating like a dog in an AC room!)

L- He took Ipad in hand. Nikhil, the customer voice is that the Ipad breaks when it falls down & stops functioning. Convert this customer voice into engineering design. Use all the matrices that you want to use. You may convert it into Italian also, if you wish. All started smiling. (I have a certificate in Basic Italian Language)

Me- First of all,I was a bit surprised that my interview was being taken on a certificate. Then I talked about increasing material hardness, reducing brittleness, increasing ductility, stress analysis for compressive & impact forces. I think I was using excessive jargon. Middle professor for the first time cut me in.

M- So which material will you use?
L- Use cast iron man
R- No no how about mild steel?
M –Why don’t you use ivory, it looks cute.????(I muttered "paise kya ped pe ate he kya?")
L – Think of Gold also. ( They were not even giving me time to think)

Me- I laughed a bit when L said Gold & told him that such decisions can be taken only on the basis of in-depth structural analysis, cost etc etc

M-No no. tell me what as a designer you would do?
Me- What was this question? I told him previously only that how would I approach it. Then I told him of providing a fastening device to the Ipad, so that it wouldn’t fall. Even I was not satisfied with this reply. But still it was necessary to fight back.(Even I was unhappy with my answer,and somehow it occured to me that he already took control over my brain.It became really difficult to think & frustration was quite visible on my face.)

L- See it is not a camera. Else people will come & play with your Ipad. All started laughing.
Me- Defended saying I would provide a wrist fastener.

L- Can’t you think of something simpler? What did Nokia do that Apple didn’t?
Me- Again I said, use of polymers, plastics etc… (How come I forgot about the plastic covers!!!)
(Middle professor looked a bit disappointed.)...(At that moment,I understood that I have to think in a very simple fashion.When you work in a company,your thinking gets spoilt as you provide sophisticated design solutions to your customers.But not all industries have similar requirements.)

L- Ok, why refrigerators have locks?
Me- Told him about children kept away by mothers to prevent them from having something like chocolates, ice cream etc. I was about to mention safety aspect also that children may go inside & suffocate.but he again cut me.

L- Why would mother think that her child should not have a chocolate? & if she thinks so, why would she purchase?
Me- Stumped…Defended saying something.(I was dis-appointed when he asked such useless question & my confidence & enthusiasm started reducing...)
L-Then he said that they can provide handle at the top of the door where child cannot reach.
He went forward & said that you designers are fools...:(:( (May be he loss lot of money by investing in our company's shares or he got faulty appliance...In any case,it was not my fault...)
Me- Started defending why handle design is done like this…didn’t allow me to speak.

L- This is a very simple design solution.(Showed me angry face of a high school Principal)
Me-I smiled (Why why why) There must be other reasons also.

L –Yes yes, (His satisfaction was overflowing as he made me speechless)
But before I could tell, Alumnus came in.

Alumnus – What is CSR activity?
Me- told about it. How foreign business persons are doing it in India. Spoke about social responsibility of private entities. I explained What Government is doing. But population is huge in India. So there are expectations from corporate sector. I spoke about 1 to 2% of profits = CSR possible. But I also told that it should not be mandatory & should be voluntary.Spoke about Warren Buffett,his activities,how he is persuading other industrialists to donate money for social cause.blah blah blah...

L- What is corporate Finance?
Me- Gave definition about raising capital, working capital management, taking dividend related decisions, increasing firm’s value & passing it in the form of dividend to increase shareholder’s value also. Talked how M&A is connected with corporate Finance of Investment banking etc. Before L could say anything…

Alumnus – But what is the point if company starts giving all the earned money to shareholders?
Me-(Oh come on...why on earth would anyone do such thing?) Not like that. Talked about net profits & how company first of all invests in other projects & then passes on to the shareholders.
(By that time,I was pissed off & was eager to end my interview)

Alumnus – What is dividend rate? Do investors invest just on the basis of dividend?
Me- Talked about 2 types of investors. If pensioner is interested, he may invest in a company that gives dividend. But high earning individual may not as he has to pay more tax.

Alumnus – But why then pensioner would invest in dividend giving company only? Is it the only criterion? Why can’t he just invest in Bank?
Me-Told about Bank’s fixed interest rates. Told that it is a confirmed less risk investment.  He will also consider earnings per share. Also there is a lot of volatility in the share market. So he can gain enough money through share market.  Talked about various ratios & balance sheet analysis etc

Alumnus looked at others. They told that they didn’t have any questions.

L- Do you want to ask us any question?
Me- Yes Sir, it is not related to interview. Currently, in Euro-zone, if Greece & Portugal leave the league, what will happen? I couldn’t understand its long term implications (Was I arrogant, I don’t know)

L- Read UK Financial Times…You will get your answer. 

Done- 27 min interview. First half went smooth. Then they started with application part & then it started becoming dirty. Don’t know what will happen .Fingers crossed!!!

Verdict - Royally Rejected

Conclusion- I don't know why they directly rejected me.But I am quite happy that I got an opportunity to appear for PI of IIM B.Very few people having consistent academics have that privilege.My sincere thanks to those 3 individuals as they indirectly taught me how to think in a different fashion & how simple thinking pays dividends.May be 10 years down the line,when I re-read this interview,I will find many flaws & will laugh at myself & my half-baked knowledge.I still admire thou,O IIM B :)

Friday 25 May 2012

IIM Lucknow "HELL" WAT & GDPI Experience

My first IIM interview.I hardly got time to prepare for it & so was quite worried.I will write my profile in short.
School & junior college
10th-92%-20th in Pune merit list
12th-92%-Missed merit rank by 1 mark :(
FE-First in college
SE-3rd in Pune University in mechanical engineering
TE-4th in Pune University in mechanical engineering
BE-7th in Pune University in mechanical engineering
Topper in 3 subjects,2nd in college

Work experience- Whirlpool Corporation
Engineering Design
2 years

CAT 2011 -99.53%ile

Let us directly start with my experience.

Day-10th Feb 2012
Centre –Institute of Hotel Management, Mumbai
Time- 2pm

First of all, we were asked to sit in a room, where we checked our panel numbers & then we were waiting for further instructions.
At 2pm sharp, we were asked to gather inside room for GD. out of 10 members in a panel, only 5 showed up!I was happy as the competition itself got reduced & I was supposed to fight with 4 intelligent creatures! Even the panellists were surprised. But 3 more came in after the start of the essay. :(

Essay Topic-If one can’t die for something then he is not fit to live… (15min)
We were provided with A4 sheet ruled on both sides.Writing 2 page essay was an uphill task considering that last time when I wrote essay,I was in 10th STD!I think I did fairly well,with introduction,my opinion,few examples & then conclusion.Our sheets were taken away after 15 minutes & then we were asked to discuss the same topic

GD-We were given 12 minutes(1.5*8)Our group talked really well.No crossing,no fish market,ample number of examples etc etc.I couldn't get an opportunity to start GD,but was the 2nd person to talk & then pitched in frequently.In all,I talked 6 times,everytime with new point.Panellists were happy to see that there was mature discussion rather than heated debate, the way Arnab Goswami conducts it on Times Now!

PI-Yours truly was the first to be interviewed!

Total time - 37minutes.This was the longest interview that I ever experienced.My interview revolved around Mechanical engineering as I worked in the field of Engineering design for 2 years & completed BE in Mechnical Engineering.

There were 2 members in the panel.
Left- Arunabha Mukhopadhyay – Head of the admissions committee
Right – Kashi Naresh Singh – Operations Management.(IIT stud) Both were smiling throughout the interview. So the left one is AM, Right one KNS & me :)

AM- Please come in Nikhil, Please have a seat.
Me- Good afternoon Sirs, Thank you,

KNS- So what is the pronunciation of your surname?
Me- told him.

KNS- What is your specialisation in Engineering?
Me – told

KNS- Your College is MIT, Pune. Is it Maharashtra Institute of Technology? Is it Govt College?
Me- told

KNS- Ok, Nikhil you are from Engineering Design field. Tell me what is Engg design?
Me- I started with my answer. Told him the procedure followed by design engineers.

KNS- Then he started talking about many engineering components cranks, connecting rod, engines etc. I sensed the upcoming questions like how do you design Connecting rod… & yes, he asked, how will you design a connecting rod?
Me- I started with compression forces acting from crank end, then gaseous compression forces from piston end, that are exerted by air fuel mixture etc. etc… he cut in… didn’t allow me to complete.He liked cutting me short before completing my answers.His sadistic pleasure must be overflowing at that point.

KNS- no no now tell me the cross section of connecting rod.One more bouncer or let us say beamer from his side.
Me- I was blank. He didn’t tell me the section about which I was supposed to tell. I told him that it will be variable section, considering its 2 circular ends & middle tapering end.

KNS- Are yaar, you are a mechanical engineer; you should know it (His face was like "Who gave you BE Mech degree kind"…then he drew a picture.
Me- It can be circular or rectangular

KNS- Circular is fine. But rectangular? It is I section & there is a reason behind it that I don’t know.
Me- I didn’t persist. I thought I was taking my interview in unwanted direction. But then came the help…

KNS- On what kind of project you worked in your company?
Me- Sir I worked on heat transfer.It is my favourite subject & I was lucky to get an opportunity to implement my learning on actual project.I am also university topper in it.Showed him my certificate.(I was quite sure that after doing this much show off,an IIT prof would be really interested to rip my knowledge,but I was prepared)

KNS- ah Heat transfer… We have number of ratios & numbers in HT. Can you tell them? Tell me about Nusselt number. (He was taking multiple pauses & was not allowing me to speak)
Me- told about Nusselt number & explained it by using formula & detailed explanation. He smiled..

KNS- What is Grashoff’s number & what is its significance?
Me- told.Again full to gyaan for 1.5 minutes.

KNS- Why do we see these fins on the surfaces of engines & other components? I don’t like them. Why?
Me- told, gave explanation. I drew figure; told him about the increased effective area & how it was useful.

KNS- No no but what is the use of it?
Me- told. Again diagram for explanation. Both were smiling.

KNS- So what is Biot number?
Me- Sir I don’t really remember about Biot number. But I can explain you fin efficiency.
Then I explained Fin efficiency with formula & 3 possible cases & how 2 of them are useless. He was impressed.

KNS- Ok. Fine. Then he said something which I don’t remember.
During this time, AM was checking my certificates. Suddenly he came in

AM- See Nikhil, you are so good in Engg. You still remember formulae from your subjects & you are able to use them in your work also. Why are you leaving Engg? After 2 years at IIM L, you will be mad. You will forget all this. Why do you want to go for MBA?
Me- told about my company experience. My working in cross functional teams. How certain individuals having knowledge of multiple domains were good…. KNS Cutting me short…(Man this guy was irritating me!!!)

KNS- no no… see after getting experience in Engg you will be also good in other areas, why MBA? AM was smiling
Me- Sir, I need to consider future goals also… blah blah...

KNS- who told you this answer….? Coaching institute?
Am- CL or TIME? Both were smiling.

Me- No Sir, This is the answer which I got as I worked & observed keenly…blah blah…they were still smiling…then AM said..Arrre yarr we are just making fun yaar... don’t take it seriously. Anyways which coaching institute?
Me- told that I am from TIME… (I don’t know its implications) Then AM said something like they talk with each other these days & something like that.

Then there was a call for AM, & he left the room…KNS showed irritation on his face for intervention.

KNS- So where does the production of your company take place?
Me- told.
KNS- What do they manufacture at these plants?
Me- told.

AM came in
AM- Where does your company have manufacturing plants?
Me- told…

Am- So your company is Korean?
Me- No Sir, it’s American

AM- Then why do you see that we Indians are not in this business? Why they are succeeding?
Me- told that actually Indian business is looked upon by Indian engineers & managers only… We got award for innovation from our global arm… blah blah...

AM- Ah …innovation. You guys these days talk about entrepreneurship, innovation…good…but what is it? See refrigerator will be refrigerator only... How can you make it innovative?
Me- Sir there is a concept of Smart Kitchen. Told him about internet connectivity. How refrigerator can be made innovative… They smiled again.

AM- So why we Indians are not doing this? You explained me nicely all the Engg calculations & blah blah…What if you are a CEO of home appliance company? What do you think is the failure of Indian brands?
Me- told that our company itself bought it. Told that TVS was also in the business. But how they loss it. Why US based & Korean companies are winning…money.. Talked that we are not able to compete in the global market…I knew that it was not impressive. He allowed me to speak.

KNS-then he said something related to products, quality etc.
Me- On that I told him about how LG was winning over our company… on which he disagreed. (I sensed the other direction & stopped talking…thank god AM came in)

AM- Did you leave job? Why?
Me- told…They were convinced. Then KNS cracked a joke that you are actually following our GD topic. You are dying for IIms…All laughed.(I know this was a PJ.But IIM ka interview hai yaar...haso sab log)

Am- Ok Nikhil, you must be reading newspaper. What is the difference between Indian economy & Chinese Economy?
Me- A bit tensed as I didn’t know much about Chinese economy…I mean I could have told about GDP, Sectorial percentage. But forgot about it completely…Then started telling him about similarities in economies, how both are facing inflation. How RBI helped India… CRR cut…etc. he showed an “impressed face” I don’t know whether it was sarcastic or genuine.

AM- Nikhil, why don’t we see people from other parts of Maharashtra? I didn’t see anyone from Nagpur, Aurangabad…why? (KNS was trying to answer him… I don’t know why…) AM said let him tell... I want to know his answer.

Me- told. So do you think that we IIMs are still “elitist”?
Me- told…

AM- Ok what do you do during whole day?
Me- told…

AM- Which other calls do you have? & when?
Me- told

AM- So now you don’t have to appear for WAT PI of 6 new, right? You already done with L. Well we wish you all the best for your future interviews also.
Me- Thank you, Sir…smiled. They also smiled.

(They both looked at each other…& said We are done.  Please ask other candidate to be ready)

It was a bit stressful in the beginning. Became free flowing during academics, job life, why MBA… Then became sort of discussion in company policies, competitors etc…& ended on typical questions)

Verdict - Converted.:) & definitely joining!

GDPI Experience for SiBM-Pune

Since long time,I was planning to pen down my experiences of MBA college interviews.
After cracking CAT,NMAT & SNAP,I was preparing myself for the next hurdle:Group discussion & Personal Interview.I decided to target 1st 15 MBA institutes in India & SiBM P is one of them.

I still remember that day.
5th Feb 2012, 12:30PM - It was my first PI for the season 2012.

The process started with journey to Lavale campus.The senior student who was with us cleared our doubts & made us feel less stressed.The campus itself is awesome,well established on the hilltop.

SiBM Pune

I will directly start with my experience now.

1)Audio-Video round – There was an interview of Ratan Tata broadcasted by Bloomberg channel. It was for around 2 min & was played twice. After that, we were given 3 minutes to write what we saw & observed in the clip. Then we were taken to the discussion room to speak. Total people in the panel = 7, time given= 7min, it was one of the cordial discussions I have ever seen! Everyone was giving opportunity to others to speak. It was a good discussion & may be the panel appreciated it. 1 girl sitting in the corner didn't even speak.When the profs asked her to summarise,she gave her opinion :( I thought our whole group was in danger & so took the opportunity to summarise.

2)Group discussion- Topic - Indian companies can't sustain in the global market. Again it was a nice discussion. The funniest incident happened when one of the boys asked the girl sitting in the corner to express her opinion! She was completely blank & said "I don't have any idea!!!!" Again I took the opportunity to summarise.

In both the discussions,I entered 5 to 6 times;never crossed anyone;jotted down points mentioned by others & used them effectively during summarising.

3) Now starts the real battle: Impressing the panellists.
Our group leader told us about the background of the panellists.

Left professor – HR professional from Tata Motors
Right professor – Strategy teacher at SIBM, Pune
Yours truly :)

L- Tell us something about yourself
Me- Told.Full to prepared answer...

L- You said you “were” working. Why did you leave your job?
Me – Genuine reason.

L – Why MBA?
Me- Told.

L- Why don’t you go for CFA? It will give you in- depth knowledge of Finance.
Me- Told how MBA will be useful for developing qualities necessary to emerge as a business manager. CFA will be a self study course & won't make me a better candidate for decision making.

L –Then he started with HR question. See there is a condition that you are in a boat with your mother & wife. The boat topples & you have to save only one. Whom will you save? Why?
Me- Told mother. Told about her sacrifices. Without her, I would not have seen this beautiful world…

L – No but what about a girl who left her house for you? Isn’t it a sacrifice?
Me- Told that it would be difficult decision to take. But since I can save only one of them, I will save mother.

L – Tell me 2 reasons for not selecting you.
Me- Well I gave a very good reason.

L- Why are you convincing us not to select you?
Me- Sir, I wrote that question which I would like to ask other candidates as a panel member else I would say that I am one of those candidates whom you are searching.

R- Why should we select you?
Me- Again gave prepared answer.

R – You have mentioned that MS Dhoni is your motivator, what is your take on his & team’s dismal performance in Australia? I think they found chink in my plate armour!!!
Me- Told about Dhoni’s qualities as a leader as well as manager. How he is managing…

R- Should we sack Dhoni & Sachin?
Me- No Sir, it will be too harsh to take such extreme step. Spoke about how Sachin is 2nd run scorer in the test & Dhoni’s impressive avg runs & statistics. Also spoke about dismal performance by middle order.

R – What do you think is the reason for India’s poor performance in Australia?
Me- A whole unit failed, can’t blame anyone. They couldn’t convert fifties into hundreds which could have given us a much needed confidence.

R- Who scored half centuries from the middle order batsmen?
Me- Kohli, Dravid did once…

R – Still, we should sack Sachin, right?
Me- No Sir. We have started expecting more from him. We expect him to score a hundred only & hence even if he scores 70s or 80s, we think that he under performed.

R –See, when you perform well, expectations will rise. You have scored more than 100 in SNAP. So we naturally expect more from you. Do you want to say that we are wrong?
Me- No Sir, but we can’t sack someone readily. We have to find out the root cause of the failure & develop a plan to improve his or her performance.

R – But what is the point in having non- performing players in team? What will you do as a CEO if your star performers don’t perform? You would sack them, won’t you?
Me- No Sir, I would design a plan to improve their performance. If they still fail, then I will take tough stance against them. (Finally both smiled and said yes!)

R- So do you write something?
Me- no Sir.

R- So what do you do when you have spare time?
Me- I play chess.

4) Extempore – Job security is more important than money (3 minutes to think & speak. They made me stand in front of them & asked me to speak. Decent performance.I liked the subject.There were plenty of things to speak.

An overall a good experience !!!

Final Verdict – Converted!